Saturday, 22 March 2014

Rainbow Amy

Over the christmas period we had to make a few trips to meet Santa as you do when you are the mum of two toddlers.  This year our local Santa was giving out little packets of Crayons as gifts to the kids, so we ended up having 4 packs between both the girls.  Being a crafty house you can imagine that we already had plenty of crayons and pencils so I thought I would try out something I spied a little while ago and melt them down and create something a little more fun to draw with!

All you need to create some colourful shape is some cheap crayons, a silicon mould in whatever shapes you desire, I used our cheap mould from K-mart that is butterflies and bugs.

Grab some cheap crayons, or expensive ones who am I to tell you how much to spend on Crayons

Brake them up into smallish pieces, I enlisted the help or a pre-school to do this!

I choose to use more of the bright colours over the darker colours.

Once you are happy with all the crayon pieces, pop them into you silicon mould.

Make sure you have a good mix of colours in each mould.

Now the fun part, pop the silicon mould onto a baking tray, and into a preheated oven at 180 degrees C for about 8 mins.  I had mine in for 10 and really there didn't need to be in that long. When I checked them at 8 minutes the colours looked better than at 10 minutes. 

Once they have cooled very carefully pop them out of the moulds.

The next day we had a great time playing with them, we will definitely be making more in the future!

Enjoy Amy 

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